Marcus Novak.
Liquid architectures in cyberspace.
Cyberspace is a habitat of the imagination, a habitat for the imagination. Cyberspace is the place where conscious dreaming meets subconscious dreaming, a landscape of rational magic, of mystical reason, the locus and triumph of poetry over poverty, of "it can be so" over "it should be so"
A space modulated, so as to allow a subject to observe it not to inhabit it is usually called sculpture. A space modulated in a way that allows a subject to enter and inhabit it is called architecture. Clearly, the categories overlap a great deal: architecture is sculptural, and sculpture can be inhabited.
A liquid architecture in cyberspace is clearly a dematerialised architecture. It is an architecture that is no longer satisfied with only space and form and light and all the aspects of the real world. It is an architecture of fluctuating relations between abstract elements. It is an architecture that tends to music.