'A king of Infinite Space'
O God, I could be bounded in a nut shell and count
myself a king of infinite space, were it not that I
have bad dreams. Act 2 Scene 2
My proposal is to build a two part sculptural installation that explores imaginative space.
The first part of the installation will be physical; a real encounter with the space will trigger the experiences in the second part of the sculpture.
The second part of the sculpture will be virtual; having experienced the first part of the sculpture the virtual experience set up will be encountered and mediated by other people experiencing the first part.
Part One.
· Motion Sensors?
· Eye toy ?
A simple space that is activated by your walking through it. The activation is not apparent until you enter the next space.
Part Two.
· Projection systems?
· VR4Max - Vitalis
Where the effects of interaction with part one are played out.