Wading Through Mud

Wading Through Mud

(Another New Studio)

This has been a busy couple of weeks since my last post (link to post) with work on the NHS Barnsley project which is progressing but will be the subject of another post when it’s completed.

Distractions aside I continued to work on the large drawing I’d started but didn’t post last time out.

Wading Through Mud

Large Rose 11/08/23

Then (11th August) it looked like this, there evidence of some changes in the centre at the bottom but it doesn’t work, too structured and neither one thing nor the other.

WAding Through Mud

Large Rose 14/08/23

So I decided it needed some stronger blogs at the top right and some on the left and below to draw it together. This is the state of play on 14th August.

Wading Through Mud

Large Rose 18/08/23

I decided to move everything up a bit and strengthen the overall force of the circular composition. This is after the 18th August.

Wading Through Mud

Large Rose 25/08/23

I needed to think about it for a while and I worked on the UKSPF project while I did that but felt like it had no presence so I attacked it with white paint and this is what it looks like on the 25th August. It hasn’t changed since but illustrates how you can work your arse off and things will still go wrong.

So I’ve left that for a while, who knows how long, Howard Hodgkin  used to turn his paintings to the wall for two or more years so I’m not going to be in any hurry.

I have a desire to get much simpler with the physical work – I’m also trying to get back to the world building in VR – so I started to work on a new drawing of apples I have in the studio. I see this as part of a sketchbook with AR elements that will include the birdsnest, and drawings of my Doc Martens and the garden at Tickhill Road.

Wading Through Mud

Two Apples 29/08/23

The first drawing is just the apples on a sheet of white paper and I thought it interesting how the colour balance changed when I added the shadowed wall next to the window.

Wading Through Mud

Two Apples 29/08/23

I’ve completed the UKSPF project bar the publication, the images can be seen in this post “Not Building”  the video is a quick run through of how it works. I might reduce the size of the videos as much as I can.


I’ve continued to draw every day;

The August drawings can be seen here

and the July images here

There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.

The drawings are posted to Twitter and Instagram each day.




(Another New Studio)

I made myself a workbench, a little lower than the display bench, and began to make sculpture based on the lemniscate wave developments. The bench is shown fully in the second image.





The view of the studio was taken at the end of the day on the 8th June .


Studio 08-06-2023

I spent time thinking about the small wave print below and decided to make one of the circles into a sphere and to make the brown paper line widen over its length.


sphere template



Lemniscate_cc_wave is the basis of this sculpture, the others can be seen here.


studio 09-06-2023

At the end of the day on the Day on the 9th June you can see I’ve begun to surface the big zero and the brown paper line and I have the foundation of the spherical form on the display bench waiting to be worked over.


Dark Studio enhanced

I took a very dark photograph on the 8th, that turned out like this with Photoshop automatic tone, colour and contrast.


Arranging lemn_wave parts

After the weekend I finished covering the two parts of the lemn_wave. The sphere was a problem and I couldn’t get it to work as I wanted so I had two frustrating days.


Lemn wave with sphere attempt

You can see one of my attempts here. I was also starting to think about the arrangement of the parts and how they might stay in place.

Given the drying time for glues when the parts were being finished I also went back to the redfilms and hung the circles again.

The redfilms are a found response to climate change, a machine made version of a burning garden with everthing carrying on as normal. It is presented as a double video projection with a fifty percent overlap and the videos starting at different times so that the film changes with each viewing. The films can be viewed on Vimeo.

At the last I decided to use the sections I removed from the ‘o’ to make a spherical shape by crossing the two circles and letting that serve as the form.


Lemniscate wave cc

I think it works.


Lemniscate wave cc

I also had a go at a drawing while I was thinking about the arrangement of forms.


Lemniscate wave cc preparatory drawing


Circles Films

Circles Films

(Another New Studio)

Over the last fortnight I set up the installation area, for the moment a projection room, and played around with using both projectors each throwing to a different wall.

While I was playing with the projections I also produced the first piece of work I’ve made in the studio. A drawing of the birds nest I found when the neighbours trimmed the hedge.

circles films

first drawing in the new studio

A simple charcoal drawing on heavy paper. I made a polycam model of the nest itself

Then later made an AR test with the downloaded obj file. The obj, or format of your choice, can be downloaded here.

I wanted to break up the projected images in the installation and decided to make some large circles to to hang in front of the screens. The images below use a projection of the geranium project film and a new red film made from camera trap captures that came out in shades of red, played in sequence and on a loop.

Circles Films

Red Circles from the right

Circles Films

The geranium film projected onto the large circles

Doing so meant I emptied my portfolio so I displayed the Durer’s solid drawings that are in progress.

Circles Films

The Durer’s Solid drawings displayed in the studio

The video felt too small in the space and I wanted to complicate the surface so I used both projectors and set them with the films overlapping by about two thirds of their width. I added in a line of smaller circles cutting across the space.

Circles Films

Both projectors in the installation overlapping

I have a Vimeo Showcase of film snatches and a longer, 15 min film

There is a gallery page of stills from the  videos

And that’s as far as I’ve got