Gardens Project Three

I’ve been thinking about how little you learn as you get older and how difficult retaining any new information is. Generally repeating an action whilst paying attention to it will result in an increase of expertise, in the acquisition of skills there are four stages to this. Unconscious Incompetence, Concious Incompetence, Concious Competence and Unconcious Competence. Personally I think painting and drawing bash their heads against Concious Competence and bounce back into Concious Incompetence on the rebound before gathering to go again. It often feels as if I’m getting worse at the things I’m doing every day.

Hence the desire to teach myself to paint to explore my lack of ability.

lebrun bather (one)

lebrun bather (one)

lebrun bather (two)

lebrun bather (two)

lebrun bather (three)

lebrun bather (three)

lebrun bather (four)

lebrun bather (four)

The four paintings are all the same figure, copied from a LeBrun by painting freely, no drawing or plotting – apart from squaring up on the third one. They get gradually worse I think. Anyway I have a way forward that I’m going to pursue.

In the meantime I’m reading a book about Sissinghurst I got for Christmas and continuing to learn about Unity and VRTK while I develop the garden project.

The video shows that I can pick things up now and make doors that you have to open!

And I’ve continued to produce a sketchbook drawing a day.

Gardens Project Two:

I’ve spent the past two weeks reading and thinking about the garden as a concept, while painting, making Christmas cards, running, not sleeping etc., Fundamentally ‘the garden’ elevated to an exemplar confounds any understanding of the garden in particular. I think I’m edging towards a view that the garden you experience is largely, or at least to some degree, the garden you carry with you. That garden is a concept that grows into the physical suroundings you occupy at a particular time. This means that your personal response, layered with who your are in all your aspects, is plastered over a space continually. Spaces you see less often are able to dominate your experiences, asserting themselves and their histories and epiphanies, except for those moments of deja vu where ‘you’ poke through the reverie. Spaces that you live in, and these can be spaces that you visit regularly, become ‘you’ and exemplify your particular reverie. So , while you can describe a garden physically and illustrate it in great detail, you can never explain it to anyone because, even in itself, their occupation of it is precisely theirs.

This highlights the necessity of non-linear narrative in the gardens of the project, a timelessness in the way routes are mapped through the spaces, and the infiltration of external influences (albeit at a distance) into the spaces as they are experienced.

The first space, Glover Street 1966, will have the back yard and back alley with the daddylonglegs and the railings. Through the railings you will enter the park, as I remember it, a sea of gravel with a small area of play equipment at one edge. A slide, a roundabout and a seesaw. The major feature of the space will be an inflatable toy, one of those where you weight the bottom with sand so that it won’t fall over. I distinctly remember being in the park with my brothers and being approached by a little girl who didn’t speak English, carrying this toy that was as big as her, she presented it to us and left. Triggering the toy will, somehow, trigger the story.

Glover Street 1960 ‘backs’

The current layout, to Sunday 13th December, looks like this. The trees have too many polygons, these are rowan, hornbeam and holly bushes from cadnav under their free use license but I’ll need to change them to a workaround as there are already 4.5 million faces in the model. The idea is to limit the ‘world’ to as little as there needs to be to tell the story and allow for progression.

Glover Street Layout 13 12 20

I made some Christmas cards this week so that Glenda could pick one to send to a friend,

Christmas Card Collection

She picked one of the landscape Christmas trees,

Winter wooods cards

And I’m continuing my experiment in learning to paint.

I’ve made these paintings of cellophane wrapped candles.

cellophane wrapped candles

cellophane wrapped candles two

I’ve also been working on some portraits, attempted copies of a lebrun painting in oils on board working directly, no drawing, just painting directly, that are less successful but still in progress.

bather (one) in progress

bather (two) in progress

I’ve also continued the daily drawings, December’s gallery.

One Handed Working

All of this is typed with one finger on my left hand as I’ve got tennis elbow! As best as I can figure I’ve developed an RSI from drawing on the iPad. It may also have something to do with digging.

52 left handed pastels

52 left handed pastels

So I’ve had to draw with my left hand, I haven’t tried painting yet – I feel as if requires more control – and made these 52 5”x 7” pastel drawings of the garden. I’ve also been drawing daily on the iPad, with my left hand since the 2nd September.

Drawing with your wrong hand is a strange activity in that it involves stilling the involuntary spasms that your usual hand makes due to muscle memory and conciously switching the natural action to its mirror image. It feels as if you are thinking differently at first, but after a while it seems as if there is a bar to your usual thinking so that the process is foggier.

Since my last post on August 18th I’ve begun a couple of paintings

Balby Garden Robin

Balby Garden Robin

This robin is 10” x 10”, as is the Edlington Woods painting below.

Edlington Woods Branch

Edlington Woods Branch

I also entered a local online competition with this small painting of birds…

Birds Do It

Birds Do It

which is 12” x 9”, they are all oils on board.

dogs on beach

dogs on beach

old mine works

old mine works

lathkill dale

lathkill dale

I also started three more, same sort of sizes, that I haven’t been able to finish yet.

All of these are a way to teach myself to paint with oils again.

I also finished the August Gallery