Rearranging the furniture
(Another New Studio)
After my last post I was thinking about the use of space in the studio and quite obviously it could be much better, so I set about moving the installation space into the corner to utilise the two existing walls rather than just one. I know this is bleedin’ obvious but I plead enthusiasm!
I decided to do this on Friday afternoon, the 2nd June, after returning from a trip away.
moving the installation towards the wall
The photograph above shows what I mean, the wall behind the drawing board becomes the back wall of the installation and the construction you can see on the left here is the left hand wall of the installation once you’re inside it.
The photograph below is the view from the door giving a direct view of the desk as you enter the room.
the view from the entrance
On Friday I couldn’t finish it all so I got back to it on Monday 5th. Below you can see view back from the desk with the extra working space created and a nice clean floor.
New space by the entrance
Corner installation
And here you can see the filled in installation walls. The projection wall is the reverse of the three 8×4 panels on the left of this picture.
New Projection Wall
As I freed up three complete panels with this move I was able to make the bench pictured below to use for construction and display.
New Construction Bench
Over the weekend I worked on some prints of images of the lemniscates that I will turn into sculpture with AR accompaniments. I made the drawings last July and you can see this post detailing them or the gallery
I’ve continued to draw every day;
The May drawings can be seen here
Draw Every Day – May 23Draw Every Day - May 23 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching ...See photo »
…and the April images here
Draw Every Day – April 23Draw Every Day - April 23 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching ...See photo »
There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.