Even More Space in the Garden
Another New Studio
This is a very late blog recording November’s activity because I’ve been suffering from seasonal rubbish. Sometimes you reach what you think is the end of something and find yourself struggling to move past that point and that’s where I’ve been. When in this state every distraction is grasped with alacrity and time that should have been spent resolving things disappears.
I did manage to complete an application for funding from Immersive Arts and will find out if I’m successful in February,

Flowers 10 01/11/24
At the start of the month I began a new drawing, Flowers_10, and prepped the boards for a couple more. At that point the other artists in the building were considering an open day before Christmas and I was hopeful of joining in.
Subsequently the Romanian elections taking place in the building stymied us and, as they were going to use three consecutive weekends, we were unable to progress. We’re now thinking of an exhibition in the Spring.

Flowers 9 01/11/24
Subsequently the Romanian elections taking place in the building stymied us and, as they were going to use three consecutive weekends, we were unable to progress. We’re now thinking of an exhibition in the Spring.
Flowers 1,2,3 and 4 01/11/24 backview
I finished the second drawing of the existing set up with ‘Flowers 1,2,3, &4’ and then got the opportunity to get some more free material to help complete the piece.
Studio 04/11/24
This meant I had to move everything around so that I could see what I was doing. Never mind space in the garden I need more space in the studio.
Storage Space 04/11/24
I moved my projection booth towards the door so that I could make a storage space against the wall.
When I was finished I started the 6th November with this setup.
Studio 06/11/24
Flowers_10 06/11/24
Flowers 11 06/11/24
Between the first and the sixth of the month I made these two drawings, Flowers_10 and Flowers_11 towards the ‘Woolgathering’ project. ‘Woolgathering’ has grown out of the exploration of space in the garden.
Studio at the end of 06/11/24
At the end of the day the studio looked like this.
Thereafter I worked to make the pieces I needed to finish the layout of the flower bed for that piece. First cutting the flowers for the end bed, ‘Flowers_5’.
Cut outs for Flowers 5
Then painting them.
Painted Cut outs for Flowers 5
It occurs to me now that I may need a new naming convention for the 3d pieces.
At this time I also painted ‘Flowers_4’ (3D)
Flowers 4 painted 13/11/24
I built the new bases I needed to complete the flower bed.
Bases for Flower Bed
And then assembled ‘Flowers_5’
Flowers 5 view
Flowers 5 (3d) close up
After this I caught up with some framing as I was still hopeful of the Open Day.
Framed Pictures 13/11/24
The smaller frames are quite effective but I had to break down some of the drawings to make them.
I made ‘Flowers_6’ and painted it
Flowers 6 (3d) before painting
after which I made ‘Flowers_7’ and ‘Flowers_8’
‘Woolgathering’ 27/11/24
At the end of the month I built a stand to raise the piece off the floor.
I’ve continued to draw every day;
The November drawings can be seen here
Draw Every Day – November 24Draw Every Day - November 24 Continuing to draw every day in book 20 (a larger sketchbook) ...See photo »
…and the October images here
Draw Every Day – October 24Draw Every Day - October 24 Continuing to draw every day, began book 20 (a larger ...See photo »
There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.
The drawings are posted to Instagram each day.