Gardens Project 15: Weeks of Dithering.
There are eight videos tracing the development of the gardens project so far.
The first shows the introduction of the trees and bushes and ends with the errors around the second church.
The second shows the slide and the difficulties with climbing that made me seek a different solution.
Then there is the solution and some of the adjustments.
Followed by the speed adjustments that I needed for the locomotion to work more reasonably.
Then a run around the area when all that was worked out.
This was followed by a digression into the canopy scene – using one of my apple trees as the backdrop for a model of a branch with flowers.
and a video showing the resolution of that into a working scene.
The final video, necessarily at a lower resolution shows the current run through of the project, starting with the cave of the sibyl and running through the oak leaf, through Glover Street, with the falling toy, and into the canopy before returning to the oak leaf. There are still parts to be added to Glover Street and a few tweaks to be made to the canopy digression.
I also decided it was time I updated the webpage for this project how I remember myself
I’ve carried on drawing every day and you can see the July images here
Draw Every Day – July 22Draw Every Day - July 22 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using a set of ...See photo »
The drawings are posted to Twitter and Instagram each day.
A set of Lemniscate Explorations
I’ve also started a series of collage drawings of lemniscates that can be seen in this gallery Lemniscate Explorations