Tripod Tree

Tripod Tree

Another New Studio

The whole month has been a bit of a let down for me as it has been broken up by time away and illness. I read an interview with Nicola Tyson  who talks of a practice defined through drawing and escaping the line. There is definitely something in the fact that Tyson was born in 1960 so she had the same kind of art education as I did. The desire to draw was instilled in people of this generation and it’s difficult not to start there. It also often becomes an entirely separate discipline to the painting or sculpture.

Tripod Tree

Dancing Partner 29 04 24

At the start of the month I solidified the ‘dancing partner’ structure by adding paper to the sides to turn it into a tall tent.

Tripod Tree

Dancing Partner 29 04 24

Dancing Partners 01 05 24

After this I painted it to lean against the original ‘dancing tree’. I’m not sure whether I’m going to match the surface finish yet.

Red Garden Six

I added the dancing tree to ‘red garden six’ but decided that it didn’t fit the space as well as I’d like. It seems too deliberate. Possibly not big enough.

Red Garden Six

On the 16th May, after a week away, I started to change the drawing.

Red Garden Six

Red Garden Six 16 05 24

Eventually simplifying the structures and darkening the trees.

Red Garden Seven

I also started a new drawing, ‘red garden seven’ using the paper I prepared with gesso.

Tripod Tree 22 05 24

After another few days off because I was ill I started to use the insulation foam c-view have given me to build another large tree sculpture. Tripod Tree.


Dancing Partner

Dancing Partner

Another New Studio

Started to move forward by framing some pictures, the first image ‘Jamie’s Flowers’ was longlisted for the Jackson’s Art Prize.

Dancing Partner

Jamie’s Flowers in C-View

Red Garden 5 in C-View

The second, ‘Red garden 5’ is probably not quite finished yet. I have a small VR environment for the Red Gardens,

It just takes the garden using a 3d background from Google maps and walks through to a 3d exhibition of the existing sculptures and back through portals to the red version.

I took some screen shots while I was in it and used one of them to start a new drawing.

dancing partner

Screenshot from VR

Red Garden 6 17/04/24

Red Garden 6 22/04/24

And these next iterations show it on the 22nd at different stages.

Red Garden 6 22/04/24

After this I did a lot of thinking about where the end point for this work is and I’ve looked again at the theory around the ‘geranium project’ and the inherent dualistic approach I took there. I haven’t resolved that as yet but I ought to for the course I’m currently studying 

Red Garden 6 24/04/24

I worked the surface over more on the 24th, this is the stage where every drawing begins to lose something I think. I also made a small drawing on paper prepared with gesso after a discussion with Terry Chipp who has the studio above me at C-View.

Red Tree 24/04/24

I also spent an inordinate amount of time looking at this scene in the studio.

Studio 24/04/24

The ‘Dancing Tree’ sculpture is crying out for a dancing partner.

dancing partner

Red Garden 6 26/04/24

On the 26th I spent some time recovering the big drawing ‘Red Garden 6’ and added a small amount to the red tree

Red Tree 26/04/24

Finally I spent some time building the base for the dancing partner.

Studio 26/04/24 ‘Dancing Partner’ WIP

I’ve managed to keep up with 30works30days and made this short video of the 2nd second of each submission

Dancing Tree

Dancing Tree

Another New Studio

Dancing Tree

Dancing Tree 27 02 2024

The sculpture I started last month has occupied all my time since apart from a trip away between the 7th and the 9th. I wanted the surface to be active and to give the piece the feel of the dancing tree that is its working title. On the 1st I worked on the surface with an idea of reflecting the way light shows between branches of trees and after a lot of work ended up with an entirely unsatisfactory surface.

Dancing Tree

Dancing Tree 01 03 2024

Dancing Tree 01 03 2024

So much so that I honestly felt it detracted from the form. The view above is more dynamic because the pattern is not flattening the surface.

Studio 04 03 2024

Back in the studio on the 4th I decided to take the pattern off by attaching new sheets to the surface.

Dancing Tree 04 03 2024

This had the effect of thickening the surface and also making it sit tighter to the form.

tree textures 04 03 2024

As I still wanted to get the effect of the sun through the trees, or at least to imply a space seen through the object, I began to make drawings from the object, recording each stage as I went. So firstly I drew the object loosely on A1 cartridge, I make a set of five, then I blocked in the larger forms with blackboard paint and took a monoprint of each sheet. I added additional elements in printing ink and black gouache and again printed each of them. Then I left them to dry while I took a trip away.

Tree Textures 11 03 2024

On my return I decided to split the images into strips and leave white gaps between to have a much more active surface.

Dancing Tree

tree textures process

The gif gives a stage by stage view of the process.

Alongside this I also used the paper I’d put down to catch drips and spills to start a new drawing.

Floor Void 04 03 2024

Leaving the central space left when this was originally used for ‘tree flower’ 

Dancing Tree 12 03 2024

The next thing was to put the black and white stripes on the surfaces and then print the pattern using strips of paper.

Dancing Tree 12 03 2024

Dancing Tree 12 03 2024

The structure doesn’t look like the sun streaming through the trees, but does have some of the dynamism and will work well as part of the three trees set.

Dancing Tree 12 03 2024

It’s worth looking at the difference between the two states, one from the 27th February and the next from 12th March.