

(Another New Studio)

I made myself a workbench, a little lower than the display bench, and began to make sculpture based on the lemniscate wave developments. The bench is shown fully in the second image.





The view of the studio was taken at the end of the day on the 8th June .


Studio 08-06-2023

I spent time thinking about the small wave print below and decided to make one of the circles into a sphere and to make the brown paper line widen over its length.


sphere template



Lemniscate_cc_wave is the basis of this sculpture, the others can be seen here.


studio 09-06-2023

At the end of the day on the Day on the 9th June you can see I’ve begun to surface the big zero and the brown paper line and I have the foundation of the spherical form on the display bench waiting to be worked over.


Dark Studio enhanced

I took a very dark photograph on the 8th, that turned out like this with Photoshop automatic tone, colour and contrast.


Arranging lemn_wave parts

After the weekend I finished covering the two parts of the lemn_wave. The sphere was a problem and I couldn’t get it to work as I wanted so I had two frustrating days.


Lemn wave with sphere attempt

You can see one of my attempts here. I was also starting to think about the arrangement of the parts and how they might stay in place.

Given the drying time for glues when the parts were being finished I also went back to the redfilms and hung the circles again.

The redfilms are a found response to climate change, a machine made version of a burning garden with everthing carrying on as normal. It is presented as a double video projection with a fifty percent overlap and the videos starting at different times so that the film changes with each viewing. The films can be viewed on Vimeo.

At the last I decided to use the sections I removed from the ‘o’ to make a spherical shape by crossing the two circles and letting that serve as the form.


Lemniscate wave cc

I think it works.


Lemniscate wave cc

I also had a go at a drawing while I was thinking about the arrangement of forms.


Lemniscate wave cc preparatory drawing


Rearranging the furniture

Rearranging the furniture

(Another New Studio)

After my last post I was thinking about the use of space in the studio and quite obviously it could be much better, so I set about moving the installation space into the corner to utilise the two existing walls rather than just one. I know this is bleedin’ obvious but I plead enthusiasm!

I decided to do this on Friday afternoon, the 2nd June, after returning from a trip away.

Rearranging the furniture

moving the installation towards the wall

The photograph above shows what I mean, the wall behind the drawing board becomes the back wall of the installation and the construction you can see on the left here is the left hand wall of the installation once you’re inside it.

The photograph below is the view from the door giving a direct view of the desk as you enter the room.

Rearranging the furniture

the view from the entrance

On Friday I couldn’t finish it all so I got back to it on Monday 5th. Below you can see view back from the desk with the extra working space created and a nice clean floor.

Rearranging the furniture

New space by the entrance

Rearranging the furniture

Corner installation

And here you can see the filled in installation walls. The projection wall is the reverse of the three 8×4 panels on the left of this picture.

Rearranging the furniture

New Projection Wall

As I freed up three complete panels with this move I was able to make the bench pictured below to use for construction and display.

Rearranging the furniture

New Construction Bench

Over the weekend I worked on some prints of images of the lemniscates that I will turn into sculpture with AR accompaniments. I made the drawings last July and you can see this post detailing them or the gallery


I’ve continued to draw every day;

The May drawings can be seen here

and the April images here

There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.

The drawings are posted to Twitter and Instagram each day.

Another New Studio

Another New Studio

Another New studio

The empty studio

I took the plunge and moved into a new studio away from the house. It’s expensive but more professional!

I oved into the space above on Tuesday 2nd May.

Another new studio

floor covered with dpc plastic

On Wednesday 3rd May I got a roll of dpc plastic and covered the floor.

Another New Studio

Moving in Day

On Friday 5th May I moved all the stuff down to the studio in a van and started to assemble the installation that will sit in the middle of the space.

Another New Studio

A view of the studio with the installation

We’ve had a run of bank holidays, what with Charlie’s hat and so on, so I didn’t get back to the studio until Tuesday 9th May when I finished assembling the installation and a seperate space for storage.

Another New Studio

First Coat of Paint

On Thursday the 11th I managed to give all the structures a first coat of paint and set up the computer and VR headset. I needed to do some gardening on Wednesday as it wasn’t raining.


I continued to work on the platonics app after the last post and whilst I’m not completely pleased with it I decided to put it onto the play store as a test. It’s remarkably easy and took a couple of days total. It’s a fairly involved process though so it’s worth making a list and preparing your materials. it is particularly worth creating a set of screen shots and getting your publicity materials in order before you start. It’s on as a test in that I’m not publicising it other than on here.

platonics_timaeus is now on the play store.

The website link for the images is

platonics_timaeus ad

platonics_timaeus feature graphic

Most of the work I do can be seen on my website


I’ve continued to draw every day;

The April drawings can be seen here

and the March images here

There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.

The drawings are posted to Twitter and Instagram each day.