Draw Every Day – September 21
Continuing to draw every day, in a molskine sketchbook using a set of moleskine coloured pencils, a Koh-I-Noor 4B or my Klein Blue propelling pencil.
September continues the second sketchbook with mostly double page spreads for the rest of the month. The drawing on the 17th September was the 500th consecutive daily drawing from my kitchen table.
The drawings have been posted since the beginning, May 2020, on instagram https://www.instagram.com/latham_1959 and twitter https://twitter.com/@latham1959
You can see previous months through the galleries page https://www.ian-latham.com/blog/galleries or see go straight to Augusts drawings here…
Draw Every Day – August 21Draw Every Day - August 21 Continuing to draw every day, in a molskine sketchbook using a ...See photo »