
Paintings and Sculpture – Drawing – 3d modelling and virtual environments

Draw Every Day - February 2022

Draw Every Day – February 22

Draw Every Day – February 22

Continuing to draw every day, in a molskine sketchbook using a set of moleskine coloured pencils, a Koh-I-Noor 4B or my Klein Blue propelling pencil.

February continues the third sketchbook, double page spreads for the whole of the month. Last month I started a new job, temporary, so the times ofdrawings changed from 9:00 am, ish at the breakfast table to any time of the day I get time, sometimes on the train home, between Monday and Thursday and then back to normal over the weekend.

The drawings have been posted since the beginning, May 2020, on instagram https://www.instagram.com/latham_1959 and twitter https://twitter.com/@latham1959

You can see previous months through the galleries page https://www.ian-latham.com/blog/galleries or see go straight to January’s drawings here.-.

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