Draw Every Day – April 23
Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching pens, japanese brush pens, a set of moleskine coloured pencils, a Koh-I-Noor 4B and Derwent watercolour and liquid charcoal washes. I also added a set of Winsor and Newton promarker water soluble markers.
Still doing double page spreads. The drawings are made any time from 9:00 am at the breakfast table and occasionally later in the day if I’m away from home.
The drawings have been posted since the beginning, 6th May 2020, on instagram https://www.instagram.com/latham_1959 and twitter https://twitter.com/@latham1959
You can see previous months through the galleries page https://www.ian-latham.com/blog/galleries
or you can go straight to March’s drawings here –
Draw Every Day – March 23Draw Every Day - March 23 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching ...See photo »