Don’t think I’ll be doing anymore to this.
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Sunday Maquette
Weekend Maquettes
After a trip to see Caro in Yorkshire at the Hepworth and the YSP, where I produced these sketches (to be fair the students produced more).
I spent some time this weekend playing around with materials having been inspired particularly by Caro’s paper sculptures and the small book and text based pieces. An aside, having bought and read the catalogue is that David Smith is particularly present in these small pieces, and even the table pieces, it’s the large scale works where metal is folded that stand out out as the most ‘Caro’ of Caro’s if you will. As usual the ideas I started with didn’t yield any particular results and I found myself manipulating what I had, solid white emulsion (I left the lid off the paint), roof slates, bits of wood and twigs ( hanging around from the ‘on Sunday morning project), garden wire (plastic coated), brown paper, polystyrene. The images below are what I came up with.
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