I’ve got three weeks to pack up and leave the studio and, as these things do, it’s come at a time when there are other things to do. I’m losing two days for the Future Now conference in York (C-19 permitting) and two days with Barnsley College to help out and begin the NHS maquettes. I’ve also got to find a new place and I’m still working on developing new ideas and refining the geranium VR. This obviously calls for a diary, even if only because it will keep me focused on the things I need to do.
So the first thing is to take the studio apart and pack everything while I look for more space. The shop now looks like this…
One Days Tidying – Monday 9th March
I think I can pack everything up by the middle of next week, I’m in York on Thursday and Friday. On Monday I sent some emails, took down the exhibition and the walls for the workshop downstairs, and added more sounds and animations to the VR for geranium.
geranium_march_2020_medium from Ian Latham on Vimeo.
Also this morning, Tuesday, I got the acknowledgement of my next funding application to ACE, so I will find out if I’m successful at the same time as I give the keys back to Axisweb.
Installation Dismantled – Wednesday 11th March
Wednesday I took down the installation and started to disassemble the panels. I also took the opportunity to film the installation without a roof.
The first chance to see it with decent light.
Friday I finished the panels and started to pile everything up downstairs ready to move. Another day should see it done.
Installation Fully dismantled – Friday 13th March
Downstairs Tidying – Friday 13th March