Studio Strike (four weeks to leave)

I’ve got three weeks to pack up and leave the studio and, as these things do, it’s come at a time when there are other things to do. I’m losing two days for the Future Now conference in York (C-19 permitting) and two days with Barnsley College to help out and begin the NHS maquettes. I’ve also got to find a new place and I’m still working on developing new ideas and refining the geranium VR. This obviously calls for a diary, even if only because it will keep me focused on the things I need to do.

So the first thing is to take the studio apart and pack everything while I look for more space. The shop now looks like this…

One Days Tidying

One Days Tidying – Monday 9th March

I think I can pack everything up by the middle of next week, I’m in York on Thursday and Friday. On Monday I sent some emails, took down the exhibition and the walls for the workshop downstairs, and added more sounds and animations to the VR for geranium.

geranium_march_2020_medium from Ian Latham on Vimeo.

Also this morning, Tuesday, I got the acknowledgement of my next funding application to ACE, so I will find out if I’m successful at the same time as I give the keys back to Axisweb.

Wednesday Tidying

Installation Dismantled – Wednesday 11th March

Wednesday I took down the installation and started to disassemble the panels. I also took the opportunity to film the installation without a roof.

The first chance to see it with decent light.

Friday I finished the panels and started to pile everything up downstairs ready to move. Another day should see it done.

Upstairs Tidying

Installation Fully dismantled – Friday 13th March

Downstairs Friday

Downstairs Tidying – Friday 13th March

Leaving the Studio

I moved into my studio at 13 Scot Lane on February 6th last year, and last week I got notice to quit by April 4th. It has been a long lease for an Axisweb tenancy and very valuable to me. I got the ACE funding and completed the geranium project (R&D), so I have no complaints. I do have quite a headache though. I’ve three weks effectively to pack up and move just when I’m getting some interest in seeing the project from people who might think of showing it.

The shop the day I moved my gear in

Moving in Day 6th February 2019

I spent the week sorting out software licenses, meeting people to discuss possible exhibitions and planning for a project for the NHS in Barnsley. I really need to do some drawing!

I’ve got the Future Now conference at York St. John’s next week, Thursday and Friday, with a meetings with an ACE officer and a portfolio review. It was this time last year when I attended this conference and showed my work to Jane Bhoyroo from Yorkshire Sculpture International whose response convinced me of its viability and Denise Fahmy from ACE who gave me really valuable advice about making an application. Looking forward to hearing Cornelia Parker speak at this one.

Some links that are interesting and may potentially come up again in the next few months.

Geranium Project (R&D) – December Open Event

‘Geranium’ 02/12/2019


‘Geranium’ began as a room, approximately 5mtrs by 4mtrs, that depicted a garden as a drawing and by projection onto one wall. The audience can explore the drawn surfaces which include text and interactive elements, watch the filmed garden where shadows drift across the lawn suggesting people, and listen to the birdsong and poetry playing in the space. It has turned into a more confined space that channels you towards and through the projection into a Virtual world.

The Geranium Project:

There is a purple or pink flower with five petals, it has long palmately cleft leaves that are broadly circular. Drifts of these used to grow in my mother’s garden and in my own garden now, and I’ve always loved them. For a long time I’ve had a blind spot about the name, when I see the flowers I’m suddenly at a loss but when I can’t see them I can remember. It has reached the point where my wife refuses to tell me what they’re called. This is why the project is called geranium, after this lethologica (an inability to remember a particular word) I’ve suffered from for a number of years. I have wanted to create a space that tells a story since I completed my MA in 2005 and became fascinated with non linear narratives or stories that can be navigated by the audience. My intention is that encountering this space, listening to the poems and hearing snatches of the narrative offers one or two clues that can be explored through an online space or using virtual reality. I see the project as an opportunity to find out how to best present the idea to an audience and to use that initial audience to help refine the experience so that it becomes coherent and strong enough for exhibition.