Centre Apple Tree
Another New Studio
I just completed the Contemporary Art Academy PG1 course with a session where the participants delivered an ‘elevator pitch’ summing up our practice using the insight gained from the course. This is obviously really difficult because it is hard to articulate in the first place and remains hard in the final analysis.
I said something like “My name is Ian Latham and I build mixed reality installations. These involve physical sculptures alongside virtual environments (worlds). I use found and reclaimed materials, branches, scaffold planks, insulation foam etc., to build objects and structures based on my suburban garden. The virtual worlds that work alongside these explore the process of creation using LiDAR scans of the sculptures at various stages of their creation. The juxtaposition of these objects with representations of the garden IRL suggest the process of growth that I’m exploring.”
There were lots of hhms and aahs along the way, a few digressions and an element of self deprecation that was described to me as apologetic. All in all it was a great experience, it’s good to meet a group of peers and discuss the work rather than the life of being an artist.
I made this video for the presentation but in the end didn’t use it as we were trying to present ourselves as if we encountered someone while networking.
Red Garden Six
Since the last post I finished Red Garden Six with the addition of the red tree in the foreground.
Red Garden Seven 07 06 2024
Red Garden Seven 10 06 2024
I also took Red Garden Seven through two more stages. I’m not entirely convinced by either of them but I am persuaded there is nothing more I can do with either.
Two Red Trees – Pear and Apple 17 06 2024
I continued to work on the “Three Trees version Two” but it morphed into the “Two Red Trees – Pear and Apple” that will sit at the entrance to the virtual exhibition, and the physical one come to that.
Two Red Trees – Pear and Apple
The exhibition will have “Two Red Trees – Pear and Apple” at or just past the entrance, a new piece “Centre Apple Tree” in the centre of the quincunx and the first version of “Three Red Trees” at the top left and the “Dancing Partners” at top right. The various drawings may be displayed alongside although part of me thinks they’ll be separate.
Two Red Trees – Pear and Apple – Detail
Centre Apple Tree
Centre Apple Tree
I spent the back end of the month building the new “Centre Apple Tree”
And drawing it.
We had an unusual spell of good weather, for June, as well so I did some drawing in the garden.
Climbing rose 21 06 2024
Garden 26 06 2024
Hydrangea 26 06 2024
I’ve continued to draw every day;
The June drawings can be seen here
Draw Every Day – June 24Draw Every Day - June 24 Continuing to draw every day, in book 17 using brush pens and a ...See photo »
…and the May images here
Draw Every Day – April 24Draw Every Day - April 24 Continuing to draw every day, finished the 15th sketchbook on the ...See photo »
There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.