Dancing Tree
Another New Studio
The sculpture I started last month has occupied all my time since apart from a trip away between the 7th and the 9th. I wanted the surface to be active and to give the piece the feel of the dancing tree that is its working title. On the 1st I worked on the surface with an idea of reflecting the way light shows between branches of trees and after a lot of work ended up with an entirely unsatisfactory surface.
So much so that I honestly felt it detracted from the form. The view above is more dynamic because the pattern is not flattening the surface.
Back in the studio on the 4th I decided to take the pattern off by attaching new sheets to the surface.
This had the effect of thickening the surface and also making it sit tighter to the form.
As I still wanted to get the effect of the sun through the trees, or at least to imply a space seen through the object, I began to make drawings from the object, recording each stage as I went. So firstly I drew the object loosely on A1 cartridge, I make a set of five, then I blocked in the larger forms with blackboard paint and took a monoprint of each sheet. I added additional elements in printing ink and black gouache and again printed each of them. Then I left them to dry while I took a trip away.
On my return I decided to split the images into strips and leave white gaps between to have a much more active surface.
The gif gives a stage by stage view of the process.
Alongside this I also used the paper I’d put down to catch drips and spills to start a new drawing.
Leaving the central space left when this was originally used for ‘tree flower’
The next thing was to put the black and white stripes on the surfaces and then print the pattern using strips of paper.
The structure doesn’t look like the sun streaming through the trees, but does have some of the dynamism and will work well as part of the three trees set.
It’s worth looking at the difference between the two states, one from the 27th February and the next from 12th March.