Another New Studio
The empty studio
I took the plunge and moved into a new studio away from the house. It’s expensive but more professional!
I oved into the space above on Tuesday 2nd May.
floor covered with dpc plastic
On Wednesday 3rd May I got a roll of dpc plastic and covered the floor.
Moving in Day
On Friday 5th May I moved all the stuff down to the studio in a van and started to assemble the installation that will sit in the middle of the space.
A view of the studio with the installation
We’ve had a run of bank holidays, what with Charlie’s hat and so on, so I didn’t get back to the studio until Tuesday 9th May when I finished assembling the installation and a seperate space for storage.
First Coat of Paint
On Thursday the 11th I managed to give all the structures a first coat of paint and set up the computer and VR headset. I needed to do some gardening on Wednesday as it wasn’t raining.
I continued to work on the platonics app after the last post and whilst I’m not completely pleased with it I decided to put it onto the play store as a test. It’s remarkably easy and took a couple of days total. It’s a fairly involved process though so it’s worth making a list and preparing your materials. it is particularly worth creating a set of screen shots and getting your publicity materials in order before you start. It’s on as a test in that I’m not publicising it other than on here.
platonics_timaeus is now on the play store.
The website link for the images is
platonics_timaeus feature graphic
Most of the work I do can be seen on my website
I’ve continued to draw every day;
The April drawings can be seen here
Draw Every Day – April 23Draw Every Day - April 23 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching ...See photo »
…and the March images here
Draw Every Day – March 23Draw Every Day - March 23 Continuing to draw every day, in a new sketchbook using sketching ...See photo »
There is a link to the previous month’s Gallery on each page.
The drawings are posted to Twitter and Instagram each day.