Garden’s Project 9:
Continually frustrated by my old brain.
I finished the July drawings, one day left handed and the next right handed, and by the end the left hand ones have a delicacy that matches the right. The difficulty with ‘wrong’ handed drawing is the lack of muscle memory and/or development (strength) in the hand.
pair of drawings left handed and right handed
The example above from the end of the month shows that it’s hard to tell the difference.
For the first six days of August I continued with the left hand right hand to finish the sketchbook, then I started a new one doing double page spreads for each drawing, mostly right handed.
Kitchen Window, 30th August
I’m still sitting in the kitchen drawing from the same seat.
The finished July Gallery is here
Draw Every Day – July 21Draw Every Day - July 21 Continuing to draw every day, in a molskine sketchbook using a set ...See photo »
The August Gallery is here
Draw Every Day – August 21Draw Every Day - August 21 Continuing to draw every day, in a molskine sketchbook using a ...See photo »
I’m carrying on through September and beyond. The drawings are posted daily to Instagram and Twitter, there are links in the side menu.
3d model of areaa around Glover Street
The last two months have been incredibly frustrating for the Gardens Project. I decided I needed to change the layout and the way the ‘news’ was encountered and had to relearn modelling for terrain to do it. Since then it’s been stop start, rebuilding and rejecting and I’m close to 200 hours into modelling chapter 1.
This post is only here because I need to put something up.