I’ve been thinking about how little you learn as you get older and how difficult retaining any new information is. Generally repeating an action whilst paying attention to it will result in an increase of expertise, in the acquisition of skills there are four stages to this. Unconscious Incompetence, Concious Incompetence, Concious Competence and Unconcious Competence. Personally I think painting and drawing bash their heads against Concious Competence and bounce back into Concious Incompetence on the rebound before gathering to go again. It often feels as if I’m getting worse at the things I’m doing every day.
Hence the desire to teach myself to paint to explore my lack of ability.
lebrun bather (one)
lebrun bather (two)
lebrun bather (three)
lebrun bather (four)
The four paintings are all the same figure, copied from a LeBrun by painting freely, no drawing or plotting – apart from squaring up on the third one. They get gradually worse I think. Anyway I have a way forward that I’m going to pursue.
In the meantime I’m reading a book about Sissinghurst I got for Christmas and continuing to learn about Unity and VRTK while I develop the garden project.
The video shows that I can pick things up now and make doors that you have to open!
And I’ve continued to produce a sketchbook drawing a day.
Draw Every Day – DecemberDaily Drawing for December, this month alternating left and right handed drawing, starting with ...See photo »