Following on last Friday I’ve got a group of students coming this week. Monday was spent cleaning up the current file as much as possible. I’ve kept a copy for my visitors to see on Wednesday.
Presentation to Students from Barnsley College 16/10/2019
The visits start with a brief presentation that covers the studio (axisweb, insurances, precarity, etc.,) and then the ACE project and it’s gestation. This is followed up with a chance to try the VR and look at the installation. I then get people to feedback on the big boards.
Student feedback 16/10/2019
The students were generally positive about the work but there were a range of views about the validity of VR as an art form, how well the installation worked and whether the two elements worked together. So far I’m pleased that the feedback reflects my own feelings about the next steps for the work.
I’ve got a couple of videos of students using the space so I can get information about how it is used.
At the moment I still need someone to instruct the ‘player’ as they negotiate the space.
Do I insert instructions into the space, and if so should they be written or spoken?
After Wednesday I spent some time working on the new version of the garden, finally resolving (as best I can) the splashes into 3d models
The video shows importing, scaling and positioning some of the new models. There is still a good amount of work to do.